Sunday, November 25, 2012

Integrating Social Networking--Super Hero Scientists

Project lesson plan integrating social networking for my 6th graders.
Unit Title: Super Hero Scientists                 Grade 6 ELA
Super Hero Scientist-Facebook Project

Stage 1--Desired Results
MA Reading Standards for Informational Text Grade 6
7. Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
MA Writing Standards Grade 6
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
I use Internet resources to research new topics, and publish what I learn by writing with focus for an established audience.

Understandings: After researching using Internet resources, journals, and books, students will demonstrate that they understand how the important contributions of a famous scientist impact us today. Using a Phony Facebook PowerPoint Template, students will demonstrate that they understand the context and voice associated with a social media site.
Essential Questions:
Why are the contributions of this scientist important for us today?

Students will know how to use the Internet and other resources in order to gather information about a famous scientist.
Students will know how to use their research notes and a PowerPoint template to create a Phony Facebook Page that reveals important information about the life and contributions of a famous scientist.
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: Students will be able to create a Phony Facebook page that has 80-100% of the required elements described in the instructions and provided checklist.
Other Evidence: After producing and sharing their own Phony Facebook to our class wiki, students will comment on 2 Super Hero Scientist projects through the individual project pages. Students will also reflect on the activity through their blogs on KidBlog and comment on the blogs of 2 classmates.
Stage 3--Learning Plan
1. Remind students that are overall theme for the year is Heroes. Remind students that some heroes slay dragons, some heroes devote their lives to feeding and caring for people who are less fortunate, and some heroes rush into burning buildings to rescue others.
2. Ask students to share what they have learned so far from reading about mythological heroes and from their recent biography project on famous humanitarians.
3. Explain or clarify from student responses that sometimes people are heroes for the way they change or improve the lives of others.
4. Scientists invent new technologies, or discover new ideas that can improve our understanding of the world we live in or can make our lives easier.
5. Explain that students will be researching famous scientists.
6. Ask students if they know what Facebook is.  
7. Share a safe public Facebook page so they can see the elements and the style.
8. Share the Darwin Phony Facebook page, note-taking guide, and the PowerPoint
9. Demonstrate some skills that students will have to use such as inserting a picture, and moving text boxes. 
10. Remind students that all documents including the instructions, checklist, note-taking guide, and PowerPoint template are available on their individual wiki project pages. 
11. Remind students to save their work often!!
12. Students may use the rest of the 1st class period to decide which famous scientist they would like to research.  They can explore on the following websites:,, (The teacher will make recommendations for students who need extra direction.)
13. As students decide which famous scientist they would like to research, provide them with the note-taking guide.
14. Check in with students daily to see how their research is going.  Instructional aides and teacher work one-to-one as necessary and based on individual student learning needs.
15. When students have finished constructing their Phony Facebook page they 
should upload it to their wiki page.
16. A class period will be devoted to viewing each other’s projects and commenting and asking questions through the wiki.
17. Another class period will be used for the students to reflect through blogging about their research and development experience. Students will also be required to respond to the blog reflections of 2 classmates.

Super Hero Scientist Phony Facebook Project Instructions and Checklist

Wiki Project Page

                  Commenting on Wiki Project Pages


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