Friday, December 7, 2012

Initially, I was not thrilled about opening up yet another site and trying to link all of my separate items and identities together. I kind of like having the Blog as evidence of learning from the Wilkes Instructional Media program, Facebook as my social networking presence, LinkedIn as a professional networking presences, and Twitter for following my son’s and husband’s hockey teams. As I perused a few examples of digital portfolios however, my stance softened.

I looked through all of the recommended sites for this assignment and continually returned to the site. It was simple to use, I liked the layout options, and I thought that it would very easy to personalize. I added my Blogger, LinkedIn and Twitter app connections, and also added a couple links that I thought would highlight my work and my professional interests.

I also added my Facebook app, but took it down within a few hours. As soon as I added the Facebook and LinkedIn apps, posted a link and an announcement about my page on each of those sites. I did not mind that the site linked me on LinkedIn, but I really do not want all of my acquaintances on Facebook connecting with me through any other sites without a specific invite from me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Webinar With My Students

When I looked ahead to see what kind of course activities were coming up for November, I saw that we needed to attend a live webinar. I immediately started scanning the suggested sites to see what courses I might find interesting. I was interested in sharing SCRATCH from MIT with my students, but had not established how or when I was going to do that. When I looked at the Discovery site, I saw that there was a live webinar hosted by Kyle Schutt, called “Game On! —A Webinar for Students”

The webinar was described in the following manner:

Games are a powerful way to engage students in the learning process and develop a well-rounded set of literacy skills. In this webinar, students will hear from 10th grade game designer Robert Nay, named one of the top kid entrepreneurs to watch. Robert's Bubble Ball game ousted Angry Birds in 2011 as the top free game in the App Store. Join us as he shares his story and his insights into the game design process. Additionally, learn how to use free tools like Gamestar Mechanic, Game Salad, and Scratch to explore game design so you can ultimately build and share original games. Teachers in attendance will be exposed to a variety of resources including the Games as Learning Tools resource guide provided for free on the Curiosity in the Classroom website.

Based on this description, I thought that this would be an exiting and informational webinar that would appeal to my students.  I read the description to my students and they all agreed that they wanted to give it a try.  We signed in about 5 minutes early.  We used the chat section to introduce ourselves and greet the other participants.  It was clear right away that there were hundreds and hundreds of participants from around the country.  The host had difficulty keeping up with all of the questions and comments that were rapidly appearing in the chat column.

The webinar started on time and the young presenter, Robert Nay, joined the broadcast. The host introduced Robert by showing a Today Show video clip of Robert. The video clip described very thoroughly how Robert Nay became a young game-maker.

The downside to the introduction was that Robert did not seem to have much to add after this video was shown.  He sort of retold what the video had shown.  Additionally the screen stayed for a long time after the broad cast on just one image, so there was not any new information to hear, and not much to look at.

After awhile, there were some questions from participants regarding how to get past a particular level in Robert’s Bubble Ball game.  Robert shared his screen and tried to demonstrate a strategy, but unfortunately he was unable to solve his own game with all of us watching.  The host brought everyone back to the topic and asked Robert a few questions. Robert was not very talkative and did not elaborate much, so parts of the webinar were a little awkward.

My students wrote questions down on sticky notes and I typed them into the question area, but the host only responded to the posts in the chat area.  So, then I reposted the kids’ questions in the chat area, but there were so many people chatting, that our questions disappeared in the lineup very quickly.

About 30 minutes into the webinar, when the host was just beginning to start showing some of the game-making tools mentioned in the description, my students began to check out.  Once they realized that they were not going to have their questions answered they lost their focus. Once 1/3 of the class seemed to have lost interest, I suggested that we sign out and explore SCRATCH on our own.  The students were happy to move on to something more interactive.

While my students can participate in webinars with me monitoring their learning and their behavior, our program would not permit our students to broadcast themselves live over any network.  

I would use a live webinar again in the classroom. I think that knowing you can sign out of the class if it is not meeting your needs without disturbing other participants, is a plus.  If I take my students on a fieldtrip, and we are listening to a presentation that really is not engaging, or does not meet our learning goals, it is much harder to leave gracefully.  When I do try this again, I will make sure that I have a related back up plan again.  It was very helpful to be able to move to another activity quickly and smoothly.

Live Broadcast-Reflection and Recording

I was approached by an adjunct professor at Assumption College and asked to come speak to her graduate students about technology and special education.  I agreed to do this and asked her if I could somehow do it as a live broadcast, so it would meet the requirements of my assignment. She agreed, so I began looking for a possible broadcast platform.  I looked at Google Hangouts, UStream, and Skype.  Google Hangouts looked a little too casual and more like a live social networking option. UStream, was very complicated, and I did not feel like I could figure it out soon enough to meet my deadlines. I’ve used Skype before, so I decided that even though I was comfortable using Skype, I should probably try something new.  I also asked the professor if the broadcast could be done through the college’s Blackboard platform, but when she checked with the tech department they said that they were not set up for that as of yet.  I ended up signing up for a 30-day trial subscription to WizIQ.

WizIQ was very education friendly and easy to use.  It allowed me to upload content and to share my desktop with viewers.  It also had a recording capability, and I could easily invite attendees.  WizIQ gave me a link that I shared on my blog, and I was able to invite students to signup via email too.

After finding my platform, I started preparing my content and presentation.  Since I was using a new broadcasting platform, I decided to go with a tried and true presentation tool.  I created a PowerPoint and uploaded it to my WizIQ class. When I uploaded the PowerPoint, I saw that WizIQ did not support some of my fonts and formats were not supported.  So I fixed up my formats and fonts and deleted the first PowerPoint and re-uploaded the improved version.  Then on another test run I discovered the links that I had put into my PowerPoint were not hot after being uploaded, so I double-checked to make sure that the links had been truly working in the original PowerPoint on my computer. The links in my original PowerPoint were all fine, so I tried uploading the PowerPoint a third time, but the links still did not work. I thought it was possible that they would work when the class was launched and that maybe they just were not working during preview mode.  To verify whether this was true or not, I created a “Test” class to be launched in 5 minutes, and uploaded the PowerPoint there. A few minutes later in my “Test” class I could see that I was not going to be able to use the links in my PowerPoint.  I immediately decided that I would use the screen sharing option for accessing the links, and since I was running a test class with my friend on the other end, I practice transitioning from the PowerPoint to screen sharing.

On the day of the class, I arrived at Assumption College 2 ½ hours early so that I could help the instructor set up her equipment for her class, and I could get comfortable down the hall in a separate room.  I wanted to be present in the building in case something went wrong, because I still had a responsibility to make sure that I met the objectives for the class I was asked to speak with.  I met the class, made sure that they were receiving my broadcast, and then walked down to my little room.  The broadcast was scheduled for an hour, but I was scheduled to talk with the class for 1 ½ hours.  When the broadcast abruptly ended one hour later, I scrambled back down the hall to be truly live for the last ½ hour with the class.

The recording works, but the first 3 minutes are scrambly while I get the class hooked up and then change my location.  I had 3 additional students attend in addition the students who were in the class with their professor.  If I did this again, I would definitely use WizIQ, but I might want to charge for the classes or be working for someone who would pay for the platform.  The least expensive subscription is $19.00 per month.  WizIQ can be integrated with Moodle, and another feature that I liked is that you can give your learners the ability to download all of the content associated with the broadcast class. WizIQ notifies anyone who signs up for the class whenever the instructor adds content to the course.  This means that an instructor could upload reading material or a video to view in advance of the class in order to provoke more focused discussions.  The bad part is that I did not know that these notifications were being sent until after I uploaded and deleted my PowerPoint 3 times. 

I hope that I do get the opportunity to try this again.  I could see myself teaching courses in the future from my home in Montana, but only if I could improve my delivery and increase discussion opportunities between myself and the learners.
If you are interested in viewing the WizIQ recording of my live broadcast you can access it through the player, however you will have to sign in by providing an email address. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Live Broadcast-Technology and Special Education

Join me for a live broadcast on WizIQ on Tuesday November 27th at 7:30 PM . Sign up to join the class at:

Participants will understand the pros and cons of using computer technology with students who receive special education services.

Technology can increase access to the curriculum, and provide all students with new mediums for showing what they have learned.  The class will provide a brief overview of the laws associated with technology and education,  examples of possible learning activities and strategies for integrating technology into the curriculum, and a discussion of classroom routines that can prevent some of the cons of computers in the classroom. 

Integrating Social Networking--Super Hero Scientists

Project lesson plan integrating social networking for my 6th graders.
Unit Title: Super Hero Scientists                 Grade 6 ELA
Super Hero Scientist-Facebook Project

Stage 1--Desired Results
MA Reading Standards for Informational Text Grade 6
7. Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
MA Writing Standards Grade 6
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
I use Internet resources to research new topics, and publish what I learn by writing with focus for an established audience.

Understandings: After researching using Internet resources, journals, and books, students will demonstrate that they understand how the important contributions of a famous scientist impact us today. Using a Phony Facebook PowerPoint Template, students will demonstrate that they understand the context and voice associated with a social media site.
Essential Questions:
Why are the contributions of this scientist important for us today?

Students will know how to use the Internet and other resources in order to gather information about a famous scientist.
Students will know how to use their research notes and a PowerPoint template to create a Phony Facebook Page that reveals important information about the life and contributions of a famous scientist.
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: Students will be able to create a Phony Facebook page that has 80-100% of the required elements described in the instructions and provided checklist.
Other Evidence: After producing and sharing their own Phony Facebook to our class wiki, students will comment on 2 Super Hero Scientist projects through the individual project pages. Students will also reflect on the activity through their blogs on KidBlog and comment on the blogs of 2 classmates.
Stage 3--Learning Plan
1. Remind students that are overall theme for the year is Heroes. Remind students that some heroes slay dragons, some heroes devote their lives to feeding and caring for people who are less fortunate, and some heroes rush into burning buildings to rescue others.
2. Ask students to share what they have learned so far from reading about mythological heroes and from their recent biography project on famous humanitarians.
3. Explain or clarify from student responses that sometimes people are heroes for the way they change or improve the lives of others.
4. Scientists invent new technologies, or discover new ideas that can improve our understanding of the world we live in or can make our lives easier.
5. Explain that students will be researching famous scientists.
6. Ask students if they know what Facebook is.  
7. Share a safe public Facebook page so they can see the elements and the style.
8. Share the Darwin Phony Facebook page, note-taking guide, and the PowerPoint
9. Demonstrate some skills that students will have to use such as inserting a picture, and moving text boxes. 
10. Remind students that all documents including the instructions, checklist, note-taking guide, and PowerPoint template are available on their individual wiki project pages. 
11. Remind students to save their work often!!
12. Students may use the rest of the 1st class period to decide which famous scientist they would like to research.  They can explore on the following websites:,, (The teacher will make recommendations for students who need extra direction.)
13. As students decide which famous scientist they would like to research, provide them with the note-taking guide.
14. Check in with students daily to see how their research is going.  Instructional aides and teacher work one-to-one as necessary and based on individual student learning needs.
15. When students have finished constructing their Phony Facebook page they 
should upload it to their wiki page.
16. A class period will be devoted to viewing each other’s projects and commenting and asking questions through the wiki.
17. Another class period will be used for the students to reflect through blogging about their research and development experience. Students will also be required to respond to the blog reflections of 2 classmates.

Super Hero Scientist Phony Facebook Project Instructions and Checklist

Wiki Project Page

                  Commenting on Wiki Project Pages


Monday, November 19, 2012

A Photo a Day--The 7 Days of Thanksgiving

Taking on a photo-a-day challenge for 7 days was tricky for me, only because of the timing.  This would be so much fun if I was not teaching, taking classes, and trying to meet the important family obligations associated with holidays. I found myself choosing to take a photo, because I just had to as opposed to wanting to. I think that I will give this a try again over the summer when I am more relaxed, and maybe I'll even try it for a longer period of time.

Instagram was a very easy way to to collect and post photos.  I downloaded the app to my iPhone and began snapping anything that I could for that day. The badge was easy to share to my blog, and served as a way to connect my photos with just one URL.

You can view each photo that I added this week by clicking on the Instagram badge below.
